Yuthok Nyingthig Inner Guru Yoga Retreat

Seven Day Retreat Livestreamed from Pure Land Farms

June 13th - 19th, 2023

9am - 1pm Daily (Los Angeles Time Zone)

Check your time zone

Part of the Kyerim/ Creation Stage practices of the Yuthok Nyingthig, the Yuthok Nyingthig Inner Guru Yoga is a profound practice of connecting to one’s inner luminous nature and is the second of four Guru Yogas in the Yuthok Nyingthig tradition, which typically follows the completion of the Outer Guru Yoga Practice.

"If the supreme teaching of the Guru Sadhana Dharma Cycle of of the Yuthok Nyingthig did not have the blessing of simultaneous practice and accomplishment, then the people of this degenerate age, entangled in worldly desire and weak in determination for long retreats, would not be able to practice.

However, if this, the accomplishment of my life-force itself, is practiced without distraction by a faithful person for seven days, then I vow that I shall reveal well my face to them, and I shall grant them teachings and closely instruct them."

- Yuthok Yönten Gönpo, 12th Century

This seven day retreat will be livestreamed from Pure Land Farms. The morning sessions only will be streamed (approximately four hours).  

Sessions will be recorded and available for viewing for one year.



Reduced rate:

Rate for those with limited resources due to being involuntarily unemployed, experiencing chronic illness or disability, having financial strain from self or dependents' medical expenses, other financial hardship in paying US$ tuition resulting from your country of origin's economy, systemic oppression, and/or living on a fixed income provided by the State.


Allows us to offer reduced rate tuition for those on limited incomes. Comes with extended two year access to recordings.

Donla Tsering

Donla Tsering was born to a Tibetan family in India, and at a young age was entrusted to the care of famous Tibetan scholar and astrologer Ngawang Dakpa. After finishing high school in Delhi, she moved to Italy, where she became a student of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang in 2002 with whom she studied Kunye massage, Tibetan medicine, Mantra Healing, Sa Che and Yuthok Nyingthig. Donla teaches and guides retreats worldwide as a senior instructor for Sorig Khang International.