Phowa Yoga: Liberation without Meditation


Seven Day Teachings & Guided Practice 
with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

This is a replay of a live program that took place June 4 - 10, 2022

Just as there are no pre-requisites for death, there are no pre-requisites for this program!

Course consists of seven video recordings of teachings, guided practice, and question and answer sessions time. Each session lasts approximately 60 - 90 minutes.

 Included in your course are PDF texts, visualization images, animated practice videos, and additional resources to support your study and practice..

Videos are view only (not downloadable), all other resources are downloadable. 

All course content will remain available to you for one year.


About the Practice:

One of the Six Yogas of the Dzogrim/ Completion Stage, Phowa Yoga is the practice of consciously dying, or the swift transference of consciousness at the moment of death. It can be practiced for oneself or to assist others to transition out of this life and direct their consciousness into the pure dimensions, bypassing the experiences of the bardo. Such a transition is possible because a dying person’s consciousness usually remains in the body for some time after clinical death, uncertain about its departure, so it is ready for phowa intervention for positive trajectory by an experienced practitioner.

In this week of practice, Dr. Nida will guide students in the visualization and breathing practice from the Yuthok Nyingthig to train oneself in ejecting one’s consciousness from the central channel, to merge with the guru Yuthok, in preparation for the moment of death. Yuthok’s phowa instruction additionally includes a simple long life practice, based on Yuthok in the form of Buddha Amitayus for the purpose of maintaining health and extending life.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome: Course Schedule & Basic Information

    • Technical Requirements

    • How to Use this Learning Platform (Video)

    • Navigating this Learning Platform (PDF)

  • 2


    • Yuthok Nyingthig Ngöndro Practice Text

    • Yuthok Nyingthig Phowa Text (Digital Downloads)

    • Phowa Yoga Guided Meditation Animations

    • Phowa Yoga Visualization Images

    • Yuthok Nyingthig Bardo Yoga Resources

  • 3


    • Session One

    • Session Two

    • Session Three

    • Session Four

    • Session Five

    • Session Six

    • Session Seven


Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

Dr. Nida Chenagtsang is a traditional Tibetan physician and lineage holder of the Yuthok Nyingthig, the unique Vajrayana Buddhist spiritual healing tradition of Tibetan Medicine. Born in Amdo, in North Eastern Tibet, he began his early medical studies at the local Tibetan Medicine hospital and later was awarded scholarship to enter the Lhasa Tibetan Medical University where he completed his medical education in 1996, with practical training at the Tibetan Medicine hospitals in Lhasa and Lhoka. Dr. Nida has published several books and articles on Tibetan medicine, meditation, and yoga, and his extensive research and revival of ancient Tibetan healing methods has earned him great acclaim in both East and West. Founder of the Sowa Rigpa Institute, Dr. Nida trains students in Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig in over forty countries internationally.